My Works


Docusaurus with Keytar

Client relation manager, invoice trackings

Frontend Developer

Docusaurus with Keytar

Visualizer for editing products and logo placements.

Frontend/Backend Developer

Docusaurus with Keytar

Save web files to your cloud drives.

Frontend/Backend Developer

Docusaurus with Keytar

BhittePatro is a calendar for Nepali Date inspired from Google Calendar excluding Week/Day view, Event Management. BhittePatro will be offline first app so that we can view calendar offline anytime and soon to be PWA.

Docusaurus with Keytar

Bhadadar is an app where user can see the bus fair of route which was approved by government.

NPM Modules

Solti is an cli tool to generate React & Vue Component decorated with patterns that are widely used and mostly taken from site React Patterns and others.


Thekdar is module which will manage node child process , it will help us creating workers, distribute task across workers, kill workers or limit there work


Expressjs api explorer is an API Explorer module of expressJS where you can see all the registered api's of express also with the middleware attached. You can see the route method type and more

Mobile Apps

A fun app to output user's luck


Docusaurus with Keytar

A Color Matching android game much like color switch.

Docusaurus with Keytar

Dahalmaara is cross platform card game made on LibGDX.

Desktop Software

Docusaurus with Keytar

Spritesheet Maker is a application where you will import sprites from any folder into the program. You can decide the padding inside sprite itself new width and hieght of sprite and margin right and bottom between the sprites after that you can click on preview to preview the outcome or click on Generate SpriteSheet button to generate spriteshee…

JustFast is a simple program based on FTP. It was useful for me to transfer the android app made in eclipse to mobile from ftp. Any FTP program in android device that supports FTP can be helpful to transfer file. Something that we can see is the file transfer rate in Byte, Kilo Byte and Mega Byte which may be very useful for developing process.

Browser Extensions

Docusaurus with Keytar

Access your database from your Google chrome DevTool. No need to switch over terminal or phpMyAdmin just open your console and start querying

IDE/Editor Plugin

Docusaurus with Keytar

See documentation of any javascript api from mozilla on your visual studio code side by side

Social media application and Bots

Docusaurus with Keytar

A Facebook Application Development Kit .. Facebook Application Development kit (FADkit) is a Facebook apps management script where you can manage many Facebook app types from a single installation. Though it is good to make a single app for particular installation.

Twitter's Periscope live video streaming.. it catche the recent tweet of owner broadcasted from periscope and then stream the video in their website